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Health for the Body, Mind, and Spirit

World Wide Wellness: A Global Community for Holistic Health Lovers

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World Wide Wellness brings to you a Celestial Pow Wow

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We begin our World Wide Wellness journey with a Celestial Pow Wow

The Essence of a Pow Wow and the Celestial Pow Wow

A Pow Wow is traditionally a gathering where people come together to celebrate culture, heritage, and traditions through music, dance, and communal activities. Originally rooted in Indigenous communities, Pow Wows have evolved into vibrant events that welcome individuals from all races and creeds. These gatherings are a time of reunion, sharing, and honoring diverse ancestral ways, fostering a spirit of unity and mutual respect among all participants.

A Celestial Pow Wow elevates this concept to a universal level, bringing together not only tribes but individuals from diverse backgrounds under the influence of celestial powers. This unique gathering aims to harness the energies of the cosmos for the purpose of health and healing. The Celestial Pow Wow is a powerful convergence of rhythm, spirit, and cosmic vibrations, designed to promote the well-being of the body, mind, and spirit.

Under the vast sky, participants engage in drumming, dancing, and singing, creating a collective rhythm that resonates with the energies of the universe. Health practitioners and spiritual healers offer their services, integrating holistic practices that draw upon both ancient wisdom and modern techniques. This harmonious blend of activities fosters a profound sense of unity and spiritual connection.

The Celestial Pow Wow serves as a conduit for divine and cosmic energies, channeling them into the gathering to amplify the healing process. It is a sanctuary where people can come together to support each other, share their journeys, and heal collectively. The event transcends cultural and religious boundaries, embracing the universal quest for wellness and spiritual growth.

By participating in the Celestial Pow Wow, individuals tap into a powerful network of collective energy, enhancing their personal healing experiences. The shared intentions and harmonious interactions create a potent environment for transformation, making the Celestial Pow Wow a unique and profound celebration of life, health, and spiritual unity.

Welcome to the Celestial Pow Wow

Join us at the Celestial Pow Wow, where every heart beats in harmony and every voice adds to the symphony of life. You don’t need musical training or proficiency—just bring your natural rhythm and a joyful spirit. Come, drum, dance, sing, and connect with a community that celebrates the beauty of diverse sounds and shared energy. Experience the magic of unity and spiritual awakening as we create a powerful collective rhythm. Discover the Secrets of the Cosmic Seeds and learn how to access the powers of the Celestial, unlocking new dimensions of spiritual growth and harmony. Your presence will make a difference and contribute to an unforgettable celebration of life, culture, and spirit. Be part of this transformative journey where every beat brings us closer together.

Discover Your Rhythm

At the Celestial Pow Wow, we believe that the power of music and rhythm lies within everyone, regardless of musical training or proficiency. You don’t need to be a seasoned musician to participate; all you need is your natural rhythm and a joyful heart. From the beat of your heart to the rhythm of your breath, you are already in tune with the fundamental rhythms of life. Come, express your innate rhythm and make a joyful noise alongside a community that celebrates the harmony of diverse sounds and spirits. Whether you’re drumming, dancing, singing, or simply listening, your presence and energy will contribute to the powerful collective experience. Join us and discover the magic of connecting through rhythm, where every beat is a step towards unity and spiritual awakening. Uncover the Secrets of the Cosmic Seeds and learn how to access the powers of the Celestial, enriching your spiritual journey and enhancing our collective harmony.

Transforming Spiritual Paradigms

The Celestial Pow Wow serves as a powerful, non-political, non-sectarian, and non-racist conduit for advocating against unhealthy policies through non-violent means. This inclusive and transformative gathering blends strategic planning with the joyful expressions of drumming, singing, and dancing. By creating an atmosphere of unified rhythm and energy, participants channel their collective spirit to stand against injustice and promote positive change. This harmonious convergence not only strengthens the resolve of the community but also amplifies the impact of their advocacy, empowering individuals to engage in peaceful resistance. Through this sacred celebration, the Celestial Pow Wow becomes a beacon of hope and strength, championing a non-violent approach to transforming harmful policies and fostering global well-being.

Bringing Healing and Peace

The Celestial Pow Wow transcends advocacy, acting as a catalyst for altering the spiritual paradigm to bring healing and peace to the world. As a non-political, non-sectarian, and non-racist event, it warmly includes people from all walks of life. By integrating strategic planning and ritualistic preparations with joyful noise, the gathering invokes a powerful collective energy that transcends individual efforts. This unified rhythm and spirit facilitate profound spiritual connections, promoting inner peace and communal harmony. As participants engage in this sacred celebration, they contribute to a global wave of healing, transforming not only their own lives but also the broader world. The Celestial Pow Wow stands as a testament to the power of unity and rhythm in achieving World Wide Wellness, where every beat and every voice work together to create a harmonious and healthy planet.

Unite and Heal: Join as a Health Practitioner

Joining the Celestial Pow Wow as a health practitioner is the perfect opportunity to make direct connections with those in need, fostering a harmonious relationship between spiritual well-being and holistic health practices. As part of World Wide Wellness, this event offers a unique platform to engage with individuals seeking physical, mental, and spiritual healing. By participating, you can share your expertise and services in an environment that celebrates unity and collective energy. The synergy between the Pow Wow’s spiritual focus and your holistic health practices can amplify healing, providing a comprehensive approach to wellness. This collaboration not only enhances the impact of your work but also contributes to the overall mission of World Wide Wellness—promoting health for the body, mind, and spirit through shared knowledge, experiences, and services. Together, we can create a transformative experience that supports the well-being of individuals and the community at large.

Find out more here!

Celestial Pow Wow

A Drumming and Meditation Healing Circle

Are you seeking a deeper connection? Would you like to explore holistic practices that promote physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing, that deepen your faith and connection to the divine through meditative practices. Would you like to connect with nature and its healing properties, and build meaningful relationships with like-minded individuals? Come and dance to the healing vibes!

Healing Drumming Sessions: Engage in rhythmic drumming accompanied by related instruments that promote healing vibrations. Learn simple yet powerful rhythms designed to soothe and balance your body and mind, reflect, and set intentions for personal and communal healing. Learn how to meditate on the Cosmic Seeds and connect with the ministering angels. Enhance your spiritual connection to Joy, Positivity, Health, Healing, Well-Being, Inner Peace, and much more!

Grounding Practices in Nature: When the weather permits, join us at the beach, and in local community parks and gardens, and experience the healing benefits of swimming in the invigorating sea water, and grounding through activities like walking barefoot, leaning against trees, touching grass, and participate in exercises that increase electrons in your body, such as sunlight meditation, and when held during the evening, accessing the power of the night time celestial energies.

Get Involved and Help Us Grow: The Celestial Pow Wow Healing Circle is open to all community minded individuals interested in exploring holistic healing practices. No prior experience in drumming or meditation is required—just an open heart and a willingness to explore new paths to wellness. We are looking for passionate individuals to help develop and expand this concept. If you have skills or interests in drumming, meditation, holistic health, we would love to hear from you!

Instruments That are Welcome to Join In: Using pre-programmed easy to follow time signatures and beats we welcome djembes, congas, bongos, cajons, frame drums, bass drums, darbukas, doumbeks, bodhrans, hand drums, ocean drums, tom-toms, tablas, talking drums, tongue drums, kalimbas, marimbas, hand pans, rain sticks, didgeridoos, shakers, percussion instruments, steel tongue drums, singing bowls, chines, wind chimes, gongs, tuning forks, flutes, harps, acoustic guitars, other varieties of instruments that may suit, and of course gifted vocals! Bring ribbons, streamers, batons, fans, wings etc. and have some fun while you enjoy the experience. If you have Ultimate Ears Mega Boom speakers, bring them, and link them up to our app!

Master List of Suitable Instruments

The Purpose of the Celestial Pow Wow

A Powerful Spiritual Experience

1. The Celestial Pow Wow: A Symphony of Spiritual Rhythms

In the heart of spiritual exploration, the convergence of rhythm, energy, and celestial forces creates a transformative experience known as the “Celestial Pow Wow.” This mystical gathering transcends the ordinary, weaving together traditional drumming, cosmic vibrations, and the harmonious connection of individuals. Rooted in ancient traditions and infused with modern spiritual practices, the Celestial Pow Wow is a symphony of rhythms that resonate with the very fabric of the universe. Spectators stand to offer their energy and support as the drumming and singing intensify, magnifying the collective energy and focusing it on the drum, the dancers, and the eagle whistle carrier. It is a high point in the powwow, a powerful spiritual experience.

2. Reconnecting with the Sacred Through the Drum

When the sacred is removed, we lose touch with the natural. We lose touch with our natural rhythm, ourselves, each other, and our creator. We forget that we are spiritual beings in a human experience. One tool that helps remember this sacredness is the drum. Making contact with a drum awakens our sacred essence. When we drum, magic happens, and the drum becomes our teacher. Drums are highly regarded by First Nations people, considered to have a spirit of their own. Since early times, the drum has symbolized the circle of life and the heartbeat of Mother Earth. Drumming is active meditation, and the drum teaches us from the moment we sit down and begin to have a relationship with it. The more present we are when drumming, the more the drum’s medicine begins to work.

3. Embracing Your Innate Rhythm

People often say, “I can’t drum … I’ve got no rhythm!” But the truth is, if you’re alive, you’ve got rhythm! We were all born with a drum – our heartbeat. We hear the heartbeat of our mother in her womb, and the drum is the heartbeat of our Earth Mother. From your constantly beating heart to the rhythm of your breath to the rhythm of brainwaves to the rhythm of your walking, just for starters—you can’t help being full of rhythm. All the rhythms of the drum are based on the heartbeat. For many people, the challenge is that somewhere along the way, we’ve been cut off from our outward expression of rhythm. The traditions of dance and drumming that were once part of everyday life in many cultures have faded away or were taken from people over time.

4. The Feminine Energy of Drumming

Drumming is feminine. When men drum, they are grounding themselves, bringing the energy from their head down into the Earth. Drumming opens the feminine, and when we drum, we feel grounded. Drumming creates balance, and we become both grounded and inspired. When you awaken to and honor your rhythm through the drum, you awaken to inner healing which manifests outwardly to heal yourself, others, and the planet. The more drums that are made and played, the more healing will take place. The drum connects us to the truth of the spirit that runs through all things. We are one voice, and we are all one. Fear disconnects us; drumming dissolves the fear. Each drum has its own unique voice and vibration. Let it be known, potential drum buyers, that the drum is seeking you as much as you are seeking the drum. If you listen and select the drum with both your left and right brain, with your total being, the connection will be made. Feel the vibration; hold the drum over your heart and direct the healing vibrations toward the muscles that protect and hold your love.

5. Drumming for Healing and Spiritual Connection

Someone can be sick, and the family will ask for a drum and a song to pray to the Creator for help. It could be blown for a friend who needs their spirits lifted up. People can also blow a whistle on a song because it is a beautiful song. For those five or six minutes, it brings us that much closer to the spirits and God, and no one can take that away from us. For those five minutes, it is all about you, the Creator, and the gifts He has given us. We believe that the songs that lift people’s spirits, and are worthy of an eagle whistle, come directly from the spirits.

6. Sacred Drumming for Spiritual Exploration

Sacred Drumming is experienced as the repetitious pounding of a sacred rhythm on a drum, also known as shamanic drumming or spiritual drumming. It is seen as a blessed expression of healing, honoring traditions, and spiritual exploration. Drumming is mainly used for five main purposes: healing, physical enrichment, praise and worship, musical instruments, and spiritual exploration through meditation. Drumming is a sincere way of getting the attention of the Divine, connecting and granting mystical experiences such as communication with angelic spirits. Drumming is the collective heartbeat of our soul family. It is the pulse and heartbeat of a community. A living tradition we all can continue that serves as a forever reference to an ancient way of life. A faith tradition guided by the soul and empowered by the Divine.

7. The Joy and Benefits of Drumming

At the simplest level, drumming is fun! This alone can justify it for anyone, naturalist or not. And, there is additionally an argument to be made for simple fun activity as a healthy part of a spiritual life. But considering some further aspects of drumming beyond simple fun can be intriguing and helpful. Heart rates are affected by the rhythm, helping them deal with stress, relaxing, and releasing tension. Some even report finding the activity helpful in dealing with addictions. They generally report that it helps them maintain a positive outlook on life. The communal nature of drum circles tends to help participants learn to be in sync with one another in their drumming. This synchronicity can lead to a greater sense of cooperation. Indeed, many armies from all over the world have, prior to modern communications, used drumming to coordinate soldiers on the battlefield and in training. Not only does the rhythm indicate a pace and type of action, but the emotional nature of hearing the drums helped to coordinate their emotions, adrenalin, and attitudes.

8. Stress Relief and Presence Through Drumming

Drumming provides huge stress relief. We live in a culture of stress, so way too often, we have stress hormones pulsing through our bodies. Drumming shifts the brain from releasing stress chemicals to releasing endorphins and other healing chemicals. Drumming creates a powerful state of presence, taking you out of processing the past or worrying about the future and bringing you into a state of freedom within the present moment, where everything is possible. Drumming induces a meditative state in a way that is really fun and happens without effort. In more subtle forms of meditation, there can be a struggle to focus the busy mind. When you drum, it’s hard not to focus on the rhythm, because the vibration is powerful and all-encompassing.

9. Synchronizing Biorhythms with Drumming

Drumming brings your biorhythms into sync. From your heart to your brain, major organs and systems fall into a pattern where rhythms are aligned. This helps your systems to function optimally, which means that you are functioning optimally. Research shows that drumming produces an elevated mood state, enhances immunity, and improves social resilience. With the release of feel-good chemicals, increased energy, and physical and energetic balance, drumming leads to simply feeling really good and full of happiness.

10. Drumming as a Path to Self-Discovery

Drumming forces us to get to know ourselves – to learn to trust our instincts, our ways of sensing and acting in a complex environment intuitively and skillfully. This could be considered an apt metaphor for what Taoists refer to as ‘skillful means’ in life. It is this kind of internalization and alteration of our direct responses that we seek in living more consistently with nature and our nature as rational/moral beings. This can potentially shift our attitude in ways that enable us to apply this perspective in other places in our life.

11. The Meditative State of Drumming

As we become more accustomed to entering this state of mind, we learn to free ourselves from self-consciousness, which could be an aspect of being constrained by the delusions of the ego. We enter that trance-like state of pure experience; without labels; without judgments, and the fictions they often impose upon us. This is, of course, a meditative state, with similar (though not identical) benefits and uses in our spiritual practice. It is also an example of flow, which is being more appreciated lately as a source of contentment and happiness in life.

12. Shared Interconnectedness Through Drumming

In this altered state of consciousness, we become perceptive to things we often overlook. As we give up part of that control and trust others to fill in the beats alongside us simultaneously, a network activity builds between these coordinated nervous systems. We begin to operate as a single neurological system, in every way that matters from an information-processing standpoint. This creates a profound sense of shared interconnectedness with others in the group. Importantly, this is not just a ‘feeling,’ but a deep perception of an external truth: that we are, in fact, interconnected with one another in deeper ways than we are typically conditioned to appreciate or capable of directly perceiving.

Join Us!

Join us in the Celestial Pow Wow, where every beat, every rhythm, and every connection becomes a step toward healing, unity, and spiritual awakening.

Embrace Your Natural Rhythm: Join the Celestial Pow Wow

At the Celestial Pow Wow, we believe that the power of music and rhythm lies within everyone, regardless of musical training or proficiency. You don’t need to be a seasoned musician to participate; all you need is your natural rhythm and a joyful heart. From the beat of your heart to the rhythm of your breath, you are already in tune with the fundamental rhythms of life. Come, express your innate rhythm and make a joyful noise alongside a community that celebrates the harmony of diverse sounds and spirits. Whether you’re drumming, dancing, singing, or simply listening, your presence and energy will contribute to the powerful collective experience. Join us and discover the magic of connecting through rhythm, where every beat is a step towards unity and spiritual awakening.

Join Us at the Celestial Pow Wow

We invite you to join us at the Celestial Pow Wow, where every heart beats in harmony and every voice adds to the symphony of life. You don’t need musical training or proficiency—just bring your natural rhythm and a joyful spirit. Come, drum, dance, sing, and connect with a community that celebrates the beauty of diverse sounds and shared energy. Experience the magic of unity and spiritual awakening as we create a powerful collective rhythm. Your presence will make a difference and contribute to an unforgettable celebration of life, culture, and spirit. Join us and be part of this transformative journey where every beat brings us closer together.

Seeking expressions of interest.

Are you a holistic health provider?

We invite you to join us!

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We are thrilled to invite you to join World Wide Wellness, a vibrant and growing community dedicated to promoting health for the body, mind, and spirit. At World Wide Wellness, we believe in the power of holistic and natural health practices to transform lives and communities. We are committed to bringing together like-minded individuals and professionals from around the world to share their knowledge, experiences, and services. For more information on the World Wide Wellness vision, and offer, please view or About Page. Contact us through this opt-in and send us your email to receive an invitation to join us and participate in this vision.










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